Thursday, November 10, 2016

things that whaea toni taught us

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These are some of the maori people waiting for the pakeha people coming and swopping there stuff like for an example the maori people used to give pakeha people food and the pakehas used to give the maori people gunpowder and other things like that.The Ancestors used to make the little ones cloths they used to make it out of feathers,stones and branches what i really like the most about this is that i get inspired.

Here are some tools that the maori people used to use when they fight and there is one more tool they used to use is taiahas.... Maori people, wood with

this is some weaving that whaea toni taught us what we used is some white strip of paper and a colouring paper i used black so what you do is you fold it and then draw a line up top with a ruler then you cut it until it is like a lantern then open it last and for all put the strip in under and over.

File:Taiaha.jpgand they also used taiahas i like taiahas because it inspires me the most out of the weapons.

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